Gun Control in United States
The current paper studies and analyzes the gun control policy in the United States and its impact on the formation of the current American society, as well as changes that are present in the series of processes that impact life within the state in general and of each single American citizen in particular. The issue of the gun control policy has always been the point for discussion within the American society, as the armor is one of the most important aspects that impact the majority of other legal issues. That is why the gun control policies are so import for the American people and, therefore, the topic is extremely necessary and interesting to analyze and research.
The issues of whether to keep a gun in your home or not is extremely complex, as it has many issues within the actual problem that are connected with the series of positive and negative impacts for the average American citizen. The contemporary statistics shows that within the modern American state more than 80 million citizens own more than 223 guns, which is the half of American homes. Although there is the other half of people that are more or less opposing the permission to keep the gun, the truth is that about 60% of republicans and 30% of democrats are also supporting stronger laws of gun ownership. Within the whole period of history of the American state, the official government authorities have been regulated the laws that regulated an individual ownership of gun within the population. These laws have been very different from the region to the region, with the comparatively loose laws within western and rural states to the harsh restrictions in large cities. But the process has gained the new development in the 1980s with the general tendency to lose the series of restrictions that also impacted the gun control area. The National Rifle Association has made the serious push for loosing of the gun control policies with its strong pressure on the Congress of the United States with the demands, considering the existing laws and restrictions. Therefore, the policy has been changed and that has been the beginning of serious discussions that are still present in the society, considering permissions and restrictions within the issues. The second important moment within the development of the gun control policies was the 2010 restrictive gun control laws that were implemented by the Supreme Court, when it struck down the restrictions in Chicago. The Supreme Court then declared that American citizens in all 50 states have right to possess the armor for self-defense. That is the contemporary understanding of the issue that has the major impact on its general development.
As it has been mentioned above, the impact of the gun control policy is the question with the series of specific issues and factors, which makes it the question of the extreme complexity. The impact of the issues can be felt by all American citizens in the specific way, and I want to underline the impact that I feel in my personal life. I think that I am the representative of the particular part of the American population and, therefore, the influence that I want to mention will be the perfect demonstration of the general tendencies that are present within the American society. Together with the series of risks that are connected with the keeping of firearms, there are also the series of benefits within the sphere of home security present that are closely connected with the ability to make particular personal precautions. The major benefit that I can see in possessing the gun is the real sense of safety, security and protection (Porter 2011).
On the other hand, for the objectiveness of the analysis, it is necessary to underline the other side of the issues with the series of negative aspects within the gun keeping impact. First, the majority of opposes among the common American citizens is the fact that having a firearm increases risks of accidents at home. It impacts families with children most, as there is the serious possibility that they will take the gun, even if it is locked somewhere in the house. This is dangerous, because of the serious number of possible injuries that can have the unpredictable and even fatal outcome. The potential risk is supported by the current statistics, which shows that over 22% present of the families where parent said that their children have never been holding guns, children that have been asked separately answered that they have had the access to firearms. The other important factor is the psychological aspect of gun keeping. There is a high possibility that one can accidently injure his/ her neighbor, friend or another person, and the statistics shows that families that keep a gun are at risk of the death of a family member 18 times more than of the death of an intruder. Moreover, the potential risk of the suicide is also one of the decisive factors that make people oppose the gun keeping (Rodr?guez Andr?sa and Hempstead 97-103)
As it can be seen, the gun control policy in the United States is really an extremely complex issue that has the wide range of specifications. That is why, it is extremely important to research and analyze all aspects of the problem, as supporters, as well as opponents of the question. The pros and cons of the issues are important, as they represent views of two parts of the national population that face the serious impact of the issues in their personal life. Proponents of the gun keeping are explaining their position, based on the fact that gun at home gives a person feel of security and safety that is extremely important in the contemporary life. Opponents argue that the potential risk that involves children, neighbors, family members and all other people is more important. Therefore, it is the question of the personal choice and attitude that has to be analyzed by an individual in order to form strong and objective position.
Porter, Henry. American Gun Use Is Out of Control. Shouldn’t the World Intervene? The Guardian, 21 Sept. 2013. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <>.
Rodr?guez Andr?sa, Antonio, and Katherine Hempstead. “Gun Control and Suicide: The Impact of State Firearm Regulations in the United States, 1995–2004.” Health Policy, 101.1 (2011): 95–103. Print.